Minerva Fellowship - Programme Information
The Minerva Fellowship Programme (funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research) enables Israeli and German scientists to complete a research stay at institutions in the respective other country.
Minerva Fellowships are not only intended to promote research but also to strengthen the cultural and scientific exchange between Germany and Israel. Younger scientists (graduates and postdocs) get the possibility to further their scientific background while they conduct a research project at their host institution in Israel or Germany. To date, more than 2000 Minerva Fellowships have been awarded to German and Israeli researchers since the start of the programme in 1973.
Selection criteria
- high motivation
- scientific excellence
- scientifically promising and innovative research topic
- match with research profile of the host (institution)
Duration of the fellowship
- Doctoral fellowships are granted for a maximum of 24 months. Exceptionally and under special circumstances, there is the possibility of extending them up to 12 months.
- Postdoctoral fellowships are also granted for a maximum of 24 months. Extensions of postdoctoral scholarships are, however, principally not possible.
The minimum funding period amounts to six months in both cases.
Annual application deadlines
- January: Earliest possible start of fellowship in case of an approval: 1 June of the same year, latest possible start: 31 October of the same year.
- June: Earliest possible start of fellowship in case of an approval: 1 December of the same year, latest possible start: 30 April of the next year.
The application deadlines will be published here.