Banner of the Minerva Alumni Programme

The Minerva Alumni Programme

Building bridges for more than 50 years!

Cutting-edge research and building bridges - these are the cornerstones and unique selling points of the Minerva Fellowship Programme. The Minerva Alumni Programme aims to maintain and promote this potential.

Since 1973, more than 2000 young scientists from Germany and Israel have spent several months in the other country. The Minerva Fellowship Porgamme is therefore not only one of the most traditional academic programmes of its kind, it is also a generator of concentrated academic excellence and promotes German-Israeli relations with each individual fellowship holder. The Minerva Alumni Programme aims to preserve and promote this enormous scientific and intercultural potential.

In July 2024, the Minerva Alumni Programme was officially opened by the Managing Director of the Minerva Stiftung, Maximilian Prugger, in the historic conference venue of the Max Planck Society, the Harnack House. The newly established programme will be part of the newly founded Max Planck Alumni Programme (still under construction).
The integration into this Max Planck Programme in the form of a large Max Planck database and targeted alumni events is intended to enable former Minerva fellows to make valuable professional contacts in the Max Planck community after their Minerva fellowship. New fellowship holders are also given the opportunity to find an alumna/alumnus as a mentor via an integrated matching tool and thus receive valuable support for their start in the new country.

The Minerva Alumni Programme and the website of the programme are currently still under construction. All information and links relating to the database and events of the Minerva Alumni Programme will be published here shortly.

Former Minerva Fellows who would like to be included in the Minerva Alumni Programme should contact
Julia Radlewitz (
Please also inform other former Fellows about the future alumni programme if possible.

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