Uprating of the Minerva Fellowship Rates
New family allowance and increase in children’s allowance further strengthen family-friendliness of the Minerva Fellowship Programme

The Minerva Stiftung is pleased to announce the approval of the Managing Directors and the Minerva Fellowship Committee to increase the scholarship rates beginning from June 1st, 2022 as follows:
New rates for Israeli Fellows in Germany
Increase of the children’s allowence: € 100,00
Implementation of the family allowence: € 200,00
New rates for German Fellows in Israel
Increase for PhD students (basic rate): € 100,00
Increase of the children’s allowence: € 100,00
Implementation of the family allowence: € 200,00
According to Dr. Lou Bohlen, Head of the Minerva Stiftung, the uprating of the fellowship rates will provide young families in particular with much needed financial assistance to cover their living expenses and is yet another step towards making it easier for junior scientists to combine family and career.
For more information please see the programme's rates and conditions.