The Scripts and Settings of Transitional Justice: Procedure, Protocol and Form
Call for Paper for the Minerva Center for Human Rights' Annual Conference on Transitional Justice
The Minerva Center will hold their annual conference on transitional justice on June 14-16, 2021 and invites proposals for presentation of a paper at the conference.

The Minerva Center for Human Rights is organizing an international online conference on the relationship between the objectives and outcomes of transitional justice processes, on the one hand, and the procedural rules and practices used in such processes, on the other.
Key questions of the conference
- Which methods and rules are designed with a view to securing the objectives of transitional justice?
- Do rules pertaining to the admissibility and nature of evidence; jurisdiction and standing; pretrial procedures; and documentation and publicity of proceedings, change in transitional justice settings?
- What epistemological perceptions of truth and/or justice do these rules reflect?
- From a theoretical perspective, do the substance/process distinctions and their critiques carry over from general legal theory to transitional justice?
- Do the accepted imperatives of fair trial and due process apply differently in broader transitional contexts and transitional justice processes?
- To what extent do non-governmental, alternative proceedings adopt features of legal procedure, and to what effect?
- Can transitional justice accommodate critical approaches to evidence and procedure more easily or less so?
- How have the form and procedure of transitional justice practices been shaped by international human rights law and liberal constitutionalism?
- How have these shaped the dialogue and relations between transitional justice and peacebuilding?
- What procedural tools have developed over the years in criminal, civil or other transitional justice proceedings to tackle structural causes of mass violence and injustice, such as the role of economic actors, or law in the deterioration of democracy? In particular, what is the role of expert witnesses in uncovering structural causes of violence?
- How have technological developments impacted procedures in transitional justice contexts?
Conference Call for Papers
The Minerva Center for Human Rights is interested in contributions examining these issues from different perspectives, including the history of setting procedural rules in transitional justice proceedings, legal transplants and isomorphism, material culture in the courtroom, the rights of victims or perpetrators, and questions of jurisdictions. The conference organizers invite proposals to present a paper dealing with one or more of the above issues, or other relevant and contemporary issues relating to the topic of the conference. Proposals can now be submitted via:, no later than March 17, 2021.
For questions regarding the application process contact:
Detail information can be found on the Minerva Center's website
About the Minerva Center for Human Rights
The Minerva Center for Human Rights has been established jointly at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University in 1995 to promote interest in human rights issues in the academic community and at large. It focuses on local and regional human rights issues. Broader comparative theoretical issues not directly linked to Israel and the Middle East also constitute part of the Center's agenda. It aims to support research by both students and senior academics on human rights. Moreover the Center provides information to the local and international human rights community by building a bibliographical database and documentation center, accessible via the internet, on local and regional human rights issues. It serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas on human rights issues between students, scholars, human rights activists and policy-makers from Israel and abroad.