Cult and Interaction in the Early and Intermediate Bronze Ages
Together with the Institute of Archaeology and the Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology at Bar-Ilan University the Minerva Center RIAB organises an online meeting
On April 22nd the Minerva Center for the Relations between Israel and Aram in Biblical Times (RIAB) organises an online meeting together with the Institute of Archaeology and the Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology at Bar-Ilan University from 10:00 – 17:00 (IST).
The sessions will cover topics about "Cultic Architecture and Sacred Space", "Rituals, Activity, and Figurines" as well as "Funerary Practices and Burials".

After co-director of the Minerva Center, Aren Maeir, and chair of the Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology at Bar-Ilan University, Lilach Rosenberg-Friedman, have opened up the meeting scientists will follow with interesting notes:
- Matthew Adams: Megiddo Cultic Structures and Material Culture in the EB II/III
- Uzi Avner: Early Bronze Desert Cult Sites
- Helena Roth: A Secular Way of Life? Cultic Practice in the Judean Highlands during the Intermediate Bronze Age
- Matthew Susnow & Assaf Yasur-Landau: Cultic (dis-)continuities in the EBA, IBA and MBA: Temples and Maṣṣebot
- Yitzhak Paz & Itai Elad: Cultic Activity at the EB IB City of `En Esur: Architecture, Iconography, and Socio-Political Implications
- Ianir Milevski & Liora Horwitz: Donkey Figurines and the “Cult of Exchange” in the Early Bronze Age
- Haskel Greenfield, Jon Ross, Tina L. Greenfield: Household Rituals in the Early Bronze Age
- Nathan Ben Ari: Burial Practices During the EB IB - A Reflection of Ancient Society or False Perception?
- David Ilan: Early Bronze II and III Mortuary Practices
- Kristina S. Reed: New Perspectives on an Ancient Phenomenon - The EB and IB Dolmens of the Southern Levant
- Ron Lev, Yehuda Govrin, Patricia Smith, Zach Horowitz, & Elisabetta Boaretto: First Absolute Dating of Intermediate Bronze Burials: Timing the Change in the Burial Customs and Insight into the Social Behavior
- Karen Covello-Paran: Funerary Ritual and Commemoration during the Intermediate Bronze Age in Northern Israel
Please see full workshop details at
Participation via Zoom
About the Minerva Center

Established in 2015 the Minerva Center for the Relations between Israel and Aram in Biblical Times (RIAB) focuses its research on the study of the relations between the Israelite/Judahite and Aramean cultures during the biblical period, with particularly questioning on whether these relations were of autonomous/independent nature or reflect mutual influences and interdependencies. The center’s activities foster a deeper understanding of the connections between these two cultures over a broad range of periods, and lay the foundations for a broad range of topics of study. Connections that will be fostered between scholars in Israeli, German and other institutions, as well as between Israelis and members of other contemporary Near Eastern communities will be of importance – both on a scholarly and contemporary level. Conferences, meetings, workshops, student mentorships, and various joint Israeli-German meetings and activities are carried out, both on the senior/researcher level, as well as between students from both countries. The Minerva Center is jointly co-directed by Prof. Aren M. Maeir of Bar-Ilan University and Prof. Angelika Berlejung from the University of Leipzig.