New Call for German-Israeli Minerva Schools 2023
Application is now open to scientists in Israel and Germany from all fields of research
For 2023 the Minerva Stiftung has opened up a new Call for Proposals for German-Israeli Minerva Schools. Scientists from all German universities and non-university research institutions as well as from the six Israeli universities (Bar Ilan University, Ben Gurion University, Haifa University, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Technion, Tel Aviv University) and the Weizmann Institute of Science together with (a) colleague(s) from the respective other country are encouraged to apply for the funding opportunity. Post-Docs who are working independently on their own projects (group leaders) or younger professors will be given preference in the selection process.

What and where are Minerva Schools?
Minerva Schools are intended to bring together young Israeli and German scientists. In addition to the Israeli and German participants, also scientists from other countries can be included in the program. In all areas of research they establish new collaborative efforts through conferences and workshop. The Schools are orientated particularly towards PhD-students and post-doctoral researchers and aim at enabling first contacts, scientific exchange as well as interaction with select senior scientists.
The venue may be in either Germany or Israel. In both countries, the participants should come from different institutions.
Next application deadline: 4 February 2022
Please use our online application platform and apply here.
Applicants will be informed about the decision by May/June.
Click here to see the current Call for Minerva Schools 2023
Application procedure
Proposals have to be submitted in English only and must refer to the following points:
- Names and affiliations of the organizer(s) and co-organizer(s) from Israel and Germany
- Co-operating institutions
- School venue and date
- Title, content, and subject area of the Minerva School
- Expected participants and lecturers (names and institutions). (Please state that the attendees have already confirmed their participation. The ratio between the numbers of Israeli and German participants should be approximately equal.)
- Course of the programme (incl. preliminary schedule)
- Specific topics to be addressed during the School
- Future impact of the School for the corresponding field of research
- Budget plan (if the costs exceed € 25,500, please mention the source(s) for the additional funds)
Because selection is competitive, it is recommended to submit a detailed proposal (average: 4-6 pages). The scientific quality of the organizers and speakers and the strength of the scientific concept are important criteria in the evaluation process.
Please note that your proposal for a Minerva School should not involve similar/identical topics or the same group of people as previous ones.