Minerva Stiftung Gesellschaft für die Forschung mbH
Minerva Schools
The workshop and conference grant opportunity for young German and Israeli junior scientists is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and administered by Minerva.
The Minerva Center will hold their annual conference on transitional justice on June 14-16, 2021 and invites proposals for presentation of a paper at the conference.
The Principal Investigator for Molecular Genetics at the Weizmann Institute joines the dignified National Academie of Science in Germany as one of fifteen distinguished Israeli scientists
Topographies of the exile: By means of a Minerva short term research grant, the art historian Dr. Oliver Sukrow could conduct research at the National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, in August 2019 on the varied oeuvre of Lea Grundig. The Dresden born Jewish-German artist lived and worked in the British mandated territory of Palestine from 1940 until 1948.
Minerva fellow Dr. Suliman Adam interviewed in latest Max Planck Journal about his life and research acivities in times of the corona crisis and lockdown in Israel.
In early 2018, Minerva issued a call for proposals for new Minerva Centers in relation to the topic of "Aging". Minerva received proposals from a variety of research areas and from nearly all universities. In late February 2019, the Centers Committee, which is responsible for selecting and assessing applications for new centers, met in Jerusalem…
As people in Germany and Israel are increasingly getting older, several social and cultural changes are to be expected. For this reason, the Max Planck Society and the Israeli embassy in Munich organized a joint Max Planck Forum about "Aging and the Gift of Longevity - How to meet the challenges of getting older" at the Max Planck Institute of…