German-Israeli Minerva-Gentner Symposia 2023
Call for Proposals
Application Deadline: 12 July 2021

The Minerva Stiftung invites to apply for a German-Israeli Minerva-Gentner Symposia in 2023.
About the Minerva-Gentner Symposia
Aim of the Symposia
German-Israeli Minerva-Gentner Symposia are intended to enable scientific discourse, exchange of ideas and new interactions in a given field of research. Furthermore, the Symposia should initiate new collaborative efforts in fields that are highly innovative and not yet in the focus of German-Israeli cooperation.
Minerva-Gentner Symposia may be conducted in all areas of research.
A typical Minerva-Gentner Symposium has about 25-50 participants. The invited scientists should come from various institutions in Germany and Israel. In addition to the Israeli and German participants, also scientists from other countries can be included in the programme. The venue of the Symposium may be either in Germany or Israel. Not yet established but promising young scientists (PhD-students, Post-Docs) shall have the opportunity to get in contact with senior scientists during these Symposia.
A Minerva-Gentner Symposium can be funded with up to EUR 30,000 by the Minerva Stiftung.
Scientists from all German universities and non-university research institutions as well as from the six Israeli universities (Bar Ilan University, Ben Gurion University, Haifa University, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Technion, Tel Aviv University) and the Weizmann Institute are eligible to apply for a Minerva-Gentner Symposium together with (a) colleague(s) from the respective other country.
Please upload your proposal (in English only) on our online application plattform and refer to the following points:
- Title of the Minerva-Gentner Symposium
- Names, affiliations and contact details (address, e-mail, telephone) of the organizer(s) and co-organizer(s) from Israel and Germany
- Co-operating institutions (including addresses)
- Venue and date of the Symposium
- Content and subject area of the Minerva-Gentner Symposium
- Specific topics to be addressed during the Symposium
- Future impact of the Symposium for the corresponding field of research
- Course of the programme (incl. preliminary schedule)
- Expected participants and lecturers (names and institutions). (Please state that the attendees have already confirmed their participation. The ratio between the numbers of Israeli and German participants should be approximately equal.)
- Budget plan (if the costs exceed € 30,000, please mention the source(s) for the additional funds)
Because selection is competitive, it is recommended to submit a detailed proposal (average: 4-6 pages). The scientific quality of the organizers and speakers and the strength of the scientific concept are important criteria in the evaluation process.
Please note that your proposal for a Minerva-Gentner Symposium should not involve similar/identical topics or the same group of people as previous ones.
Eligible Expenditures
On principle, only costs for the scientific part of the event can be taken into account. A subsequent increase of the lump sum following the grant is not possible.
The grant may be used for:
- Travel allowances
- Accommodation and hospitality costs (Overnight stay: 70.00 EUR (75.00 EUR including breakfast) in Germany / 160.00 EUR in Israel per person and night / Food and beverage: daily allowance of max. 80,00 EUR per person)
- Space rent and lease for devices and items of equipment
- Costs of framework programmes (relating to the conference)
- Costs of student assistants and/or students working on a fee basis within the framework of the conference organization
- Other material costs (e.g. office supplies, layout of conference programmes and the like, costs of publication of conference results)
Non-billable expenses
The following items can, on principle, not be discounted at the expense of the project funds:
- Personal salary of the project heads
- Fees for speakers/spokespersons
- Expenses for construction and installation measures
- Operational and maintenance costs (e.g. electricity, gas, water, cooling agents), maintenance contracts
- Contributions for property insurance, expenditures for letters of safe conduct
- Expenses for the use of an institute’s own service facilities (such as computing centers or other – also scientific – services) on the basis of an internal performance settlement
- Expenses for apparatus which must be considered as up-to-date initial equipment (for the respective field)
- Expenses for the supplementation or repair of apparatus which is not the property of the Minerva Stiftung
- Turnover tax insofar as it can be deducted as input tax
The deadline for submitting applications is 12 July 2021.
Please submit your proposal on the application plattform.
Proposals are reviewed by the Minerva Fellowship Committee.
Minerva Stiftung
Hofgartenstrasse 8
80539 München / Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)89-2108-1242
Fax: +49 (0)89-2108-1222