Current and Previous Minerva-Gentner Symposia
If you want to find out about its scientific range and variety, browse through the overview of all Symposia from 1995 to current.
Food Security in Times of Climatic Instability: Recruiting Pangenomes for Improving Crop Resilience, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Zvi Peleg, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Prof. Shahal Abbo, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Dr. Martin Mascher, IPK Gatersleben; Prof. Thorsten Schnurbusch, IPK Gatersleben
Frontiers in biohybrid circuits, Jülich/Aachen
Prof. Francesca Santoro, Forschungszentrum Jülich + RWTH Aachen; Dr. Valeria Criscuolo,
RWTH Aachen; Prof. Daniel Ramez, Technion; Prof. Hemi Rotenberg, Technion
Implications of implementing AI-based technologies in organizations for human relationships and well-being, Bar-Ilan University
Dr. Ella Glikson, Bar Ilan University; Dr. Lior Zalmanson, Tel Aviv University, Coller School of Management; Dr. Hadar Nesher Shoshan, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz; Prof. Thomas Rigotti, Leibniz Institute for Resilience Research Mainz
Fluorination in Functional Molecule Development: Reconciling Socio-Economic Advantages with Environmental Challenges, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Dr. Zackaria Nairoukh, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Prof. Ryan Gilmour, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Green NLP for Understanding Complex Information, Sankt Augustin
Prof. Iryna Gurevych, TU Darmstadt; Dr. Roy Schwartz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem;
Prof. Goran Glavaš, Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg; Prof. Ido Dagan, Bar-Ilan University
The epistemology of metaphysics: contemporary issues, Tel Aviv University
Dr. David Kovacs, Tel Aviv University; Prof. Thomas Sattig, University of Tübingen
The multidimensionality of trauma: Psychological, neurobiological and social implications, Shefayim
Dr. Roee Admon, University of Haifa; Prof. Danny Horesh, Bar-Ilan University; Prof. Clemens Kirschbaum, TU Dresden
Interactive brains: From methods to applications, Ramat Gan
Prof. Ronny Geva, Bar-Ilan University; Prof. Kerstin Konrad, RWTH Aachen University
Coherent manipulation of few-body complexes, Rehovot
Prof. Roee Ozeri, Weizmann Institute of Science; Prof. Lev Khaykovich, Bar-Ilan University;
Prof. Reinhard Dörner, Goethe-University Frankfurt; Dr. Maksim Kunitski, Goethe-University Frankfurt; Prof. Tobias Schätz, University of Freiburg
Social big data in environmental and sustainability research: from promise to practice, Haifa
Prof. Andrea Ghermandi, University of Haifa; Dr. Uri Roll, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev;
Prof. Jonathan M. Jeschke, Freie Universität Berlin; Dr. Johannes Langemeyer, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
"Bringing the Sea to Berlin" – the future of marine sciences building on high-resolution X-ray characterization methods at synchrotrons, Berlin
Dr. Tali Mass, University of Haifa; Prof. Meytal Landau, Technion; Dr. Paul Zaslansky, Charité – University Hospital Berlin; Dr. Antje Vollmer, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie
Perception, recognition and control of goal-directed actions: from cognitive to neural representations, Regensburg
Prof. Angelika Lingnau, University of Regensburg; Prof. Roy Mukamel, Tel Aviv University
The power of ceramics: Transformations and interactions in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze and Iron Ages, Tel Aviv
Dr. Paula Waiman-Barak, Tel Aviv University; Prof. Oded Lipschits, Tel Aviv University; Dr. Sabine Kleiman, University of Tuebingen
Fictions of Terror in the Southern Cone and Brazil: Recent Representations, Jerusalem
Prof. Ruth Fine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Prof. Sabine Schlickers, University of Bremen; Prof. Inke Gunia, University of Hamburg
Studying a concept in disarray: Cross-cultural, comparative analysis of digital privacy, Jerusalem
Dr. Dmitry Epstein, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Dr. Philipp K. Masur, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz/ Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Burchard of Mount Sion’s Descriptio Terre Sancte: Toward a Critical Edition and Beyond, Ramat Gan
I. Baumgärtner (Kassel), J. Rubin (Ramat Gan)
Single Cell Analysis: from Development to Disease, Tel Aviv
K. B. Avraham (Tel Aviv), O. Wurtzel (Tel Aviv), N. Rajewsky (Berlin), B. Treutlein (Leipzig)
Cancer ImmunoMetabolism 2020, Rehovot
A. Erez (Rehovot), E. Gottlieb & I. Mor (Haifa), A. Schulze (Heidelberg)
MR Spectroscopy and Molecular Imaging, Rehovot
A. Tal (Rehovot), A. Bar-Shir (Rehovot), L. Schroeder (Berlin)
Food and Identity Formation in the Iron Age Levant and Beyond: Textual, Archaeological and Scientific Perspectives, Munich
Ph. W. Stockhammer (München), Aren M. Maeir (Ramat-Gan)
Redefining and Integrating Modern Jewish Literary Studies, Berlin
R. Fine (Jerusalem,) N. Gordinsky (Haifa), K. Konuk (Duisburg-Essen), C. Olk (Berlin), G. Shahar (Tel Aviv), S. Zepp (Berlin)
Frozen: Social and Bioethical Aspects of Cryo-Fertility, Tel Aviv
A. Raz (Beer-Sheva), Y. Hashiloni-Dolev (Tel Aviv), S. Schicktanz (Goettingen)
Kantian Themes in Goethe and their Echos in 20th Century Philosophy, Tel Aviv
E. Friedlander (Tel Aviv), J. Haag (Potsdam)
Contested German-Jewish Cultural Property after 1945. The Sacred and the Profane, Jerusalem
M. Lepper (Marbach), Y. Weiss (Jerusalem)
Peroxisomes in health and disease, Rehovot
R. Erdmann (Bochum), M. Schuldiner (Rehovot), E. Zalckvar (Rehovot)
Egyptian and Jewish Magic in Antiquity, Bonn
A. Bellusci (Tel Aviv), G. Bohak (Tel Aviv), R. Lucarelli (Bonn), L. Morenz (Bonn)
The Intergenerational Transmission of Childhood Adversity, Heidelberg
A. Apter (Tel Aviv), R. Brunner (Heidelberg)