Fritz Haber Minerva Center for Molecular Dynamics
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (established in 1981, closed in 2023)
Prof. Dr. Roi Baer
DirectorProf. Dr. Gerard Meijer
Molecular encounters from first principles; statistical mechanics; chemical kinetics
Research activities and aims
The center supports theoretical work in molecular dynamics. The main topics are: Dynamical Processes in Gas phases. Dynamical Processes in Condensed Phases. Reactions in Liquids. Reaction between Ions in Solution. Thermodynamical Statistics of Complex Fluids. Pattern Formation on Interfaces. Study of Chemical and Physical Processes on Surfaces of Solids and Liquids. Coherent processes on the time scale of femtoseconds and coherentcontrol. Quantum chemistry calculations. Biochemical and biophysical processes. Dynamics of ionization and charge separation in large systems. Mathematical and computational methods. Molecular encounters from first principles, statistical mechanics, chemical kinetics.