Minerva Center for the Relations between Israel and Aram in Biblical Times
Bar-Ilan University (established in 2015)
Prof. Aren M. Maeir
DirectorProf. Dr. Gerhard Wolf
Aramean-Israelite relations; iron age and Persian period; archaeology; history; philology; textual and biblical studies
Research activities and aims
The center’s primary objective is to conduct joint research on the character of Aramean-Israelite relations during the biblical period (Iron Age and Persian Period). This said, the center deals with broader issues as well, such as relations between Israel and Aram in later periods (classical periods up until Late Antiquity), but also relating to Aramean communities and traditions of contemporary times.
In light of our research objectives, we study a broad range of theoretical and methodological perspectives, including whether concepts and constructs of “autonomy” and “autonomous decision making” can be utilized in historical research in general, and in particular for the explanation for socio-political connections and relations in Ancient Periods. The foci of our research on the relations between Aram and Israel function as case studies for this.
Inter alia, we study the character and mechanisms behind the relations between these two important biblical cultures, with a strong emphasis on what was the nature of these relations? How did decision making take place and how was it communicated? How can we describe the interplay between autonomy and dependency? This includes interface not only with archaeology, history, philology, textual and biblical studies – but input, perspectives and ideas from a wide variety of other fields (such as social theory, socio-linguistics, international relations, law, psychology, philosophy, etc.).
The center’s activities foster a deeper understanding of the connections between these two cultures over a broad range of periods, and lay the foundations for a broad range of topics of study. Through this, we contribute, in a meaningful way as possible – even if only through scholarly discussion of relevant issues, to the preservation of contemporary Aramean cultural heritage, which is under duress in the contemporary Near East. In addition, connections are fostered between scholars in Israeli, German and other institutions, as well as between Israelis and members of other contemporary Near Eastern communities – both on a scholarly and contemporary level.
The center is currently funded for 7 years, in which a series of conferences, meetings, workshops, student mentorships, and various joint Israeli-German meetings and activities are carried out, both on the senior/researcher level, as well as between students from both countries. These meetings are held both in Israel and Germany. While center’s main activities are at BIU and Leipzig, with the participation of BIU and Leipzig University faculty and students, scholars and students from other institutions in Israel and Germany, as well as from other parts of the world, join in on the center’s activities at various stages. The results of these meetings as well as of the related research are published regularly, in dedicated monographs and research articles (in the RIAB Center's publication series).