Current and Previous Minerva-Gentner Symposia

If you want to find out about its scientific range and variety, browse through the overview of all Symposia from 1995 to current.


East and West in the Early Middle Ages: The Merovingian Kingdoms in Mediterranean Perspective, Berlin
S. Esder (Berlin), Y. Hen (Beer Sheva)

The Mamluk Sultanate from the Perspective of Regional and World History: Economic, Social and Cultural Development in an Era of Increasing International Interaction and Competition, Jerusalem
R. Amitai (Jerusalem), S. Conermann (Bonn)


Emergent Languages and Cultural Evolution, Nijmegen
S. Levinson (Nijmegen), W. Sandler (Haifa)

Surfaces and Interfaces: from Topological Insulators to Oxide Interfaces, Ramat Gan
M. Cohen (Beer Sheva), A. Palevski (Tel Aviv), A. Rosch (Köln)


Synthetic Life, a Concept in Pure and Applied Biology, Beer Sheva
U. Deichmann (Beer Sheva), V. Shoshan-Barmatz (Beer-Sheva)

The Study of Jewish Biological Difference after 1945, Berlin
V. Lipphardt (Berlin), A. Morris-Reich (Haifa)


Aeolian processes (emission, transport and deposition of small particles of sand, silt and clay by the wind), Israel
K. Kroy (Leipzig), H. Tsaor (Beer Sheva)

Jerusalem elsewhere: The German recensions, Germany
B. Kühnel (Jerusalem), B. Reudenbach (Hamburg), G. Wolf (Florenz)


Proton Mobility in Chemical and Biological Systems, Israel
N. Agmon (Jerusalem), I. Arkin (Jerusalem), K. Gerwert (Bochum), H. Grubmueller (Göttingen)


Experiment Confronts String Theory, Germany
H. Abramowicz (Tel Aviv), A. Caldwell (München), R. Klanner (Hamburg)


Sensory Signaling and Information Processing, Germany
D. Lancet (Rehovot), W. Meyerhof (Potsdam), D. Richter (Hamburg)


Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory, Israel
Baer (Jerusalem), Gross (Berlin)


TRP Channels and Calcium Signaling, Israel
V. Flockerzi (Saarbrücken), B. Minke (Jerusalem)


Methodological Frontiers in Magnetic Resonance, Israel
M. Baldus (Goettingen), L. Frydman (Rehovot)


Optical Spectroscopy of Biomolecular Dynamics, Germany
G. Haran (Rehovot), P. Voehringer (Goettingen)

Physics of Biomaterials and Soft Matters, Israel
D. Andelman (Tel Aviv), T. Bayerl (Würzburg), A. Ben-Shaul (Jerusalem), H. Gaub (Munich), R. Lipowsky (Golm), H. Moehwald (Golm), S. Safran (Rehovot)


Ascending the Materials Hierarchy, Israel
M. Antonietti (Potsdam), D. Cahen (Rehovot)


Quantum Chaos and Applications, Israel
S. Fishman (Haifa), F. Haake (Essen), U. Smilansky (Rehovot), H. Weidenmueller, (Heidelberg)


Cellular and Molecular Processes in Biological Signalling, Israel
R. Rahamimoff (Jerusalem), S. Rotshenker (Jerusalem), W. Stühmer (Göttingen)


Interactions between Chemistry, Physics and Dynamics in the Troposphere, Israel
P. Alpert (Tel Aviv), Z. Levin (Tel Aviv), Y. Rudich (Rehovot), A. Wahner (Jülich)


From Elementary Particles to Complex Systems, Israel
S. Grossmann (Marburg), A. Levy (Tel Aviv), G. Schoen (Karlsruhe), U. Sivan (Haifa), P. Soeding (Zeuthen), V. Steinberg (Rehovot), H. Weidenmueller (Heidelberg)


Field Arithmetics, Israel
W. Geyer (Erlangen), M. Jarden (Tel Aviv), H. Koch (Berlin)


Co-operative phenomena in Organic Solids and of organics at Surfaces, Germany
M. Lahav (Rehovot), G. Wegner (Mainz)


Mechanisms of Cellular Morphogenesis, Israel
B. Geiger (Rehovot), B. Jockusch (Braunschweig)

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