Minerva Schools
Funds and Conditions
A Minerva School can be funded with up to EUR 25,500.
Eligible Expenditures
In principle, only costs for the scientific part of the event can be taken into account. A subsequent increase of the lump sum following the grant is not possible.
The grant may be used for:
- Travel allowances
- Accommodation and hospitality costs
- Germany: 70.00 EUR (75.00 EUR including breakfast) per person and night
- Israel: 160.00 EUR per person and night (including breakfast)
- Food and beverage: daily allowance of max. 80.00 EUR per person
- Space rent and lease for devices and items of equipment
- Costs of framework programmes (relating to the conference)
- Costs of student assistants and/or students working on a fee basis within the framework of the conference organization
- Other material costs (e.g. office supplies, layout of conference programmes and the like, costs of publication of conference results)
Non-billable expenses
The following items can, on principle, not be discounted at the expense of the project funds:
- Personal salary of the project heads
- Fees for speakers/spokespersons
- Expenses for construction and installation measures
- Operational and maintenance costs (e.g. electricity, gas, water, cooling agents), maintenance contracts
- Contributions for property insurance, expenditures for letters of safe conduct
- Expenses for the use of an institute’s own service facilities (such as computing centers or other – also scientific – services) on the basis of an internal performance settlement
- Expenses for apparatus which must be considered as up-to-date initial equipment (for the respective field)
- Expenses for the supplementation or repair of apparatus which is not the property of the Minerva Stiftung
- Turnover tax insofar as it can be deducted as input tax